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Monday, July 16, 2012

The prospects for reformig Alwadifa

The jobs in Morocco or Alwadifa is that services are provided through the public name of the state facility for citizens and citizens by administrative activity carried out by staff and employees of various departments at the level of public and community groups regionally and centrally and locally. In this sense, the civil service an essential tool in the hands of the state to support the development and framed and satisfy the needs of citizens.

The State must play deep reforms of the Civil Service through open public discussions of the deep would be able to evaluate the reality of the civil service and to identify the imbalances that riddled.

Deluxe reforms that was part of an official document issued by the Ministry of Public Sector Modernization in 2006, which stipulates a number of amendments including:

Open the possibility of operating in the sectors of public contracts do not result in the demarcation of the right wire management, and the reform of employment system where all investments were limited to management by public games, and within the financial positions open for this purpose.

Review system positions in the direction of strengthening the motor, and by expanding the area of ​​redeployment, by opening the possibility of transferring staff from the local communities to public administrations, and to adopt stimulus measures for the relocation of staff, as well as the quotation on the possibility of employees subject to reference to another department or benefit from full-time union with one of the most representative trade union organizations, and considering that the beneficiaries of employees in a position to do the job.

However, the question is: Are these changes enough to reform the civil service, which carry the World Bank report highlights the vivid images of these problems

In the end we would like to point out the issue of quality of human resources management, human element is the backbone within the structure of the civil service.

So it must be interest in him and through training and here it must be noted for the state's role in this area, to intervene by creating training centers keep pace with the market need to support the private sector to ease the burden on the public service, and also use the configuration to support public facilities to keep pace with the use of methods of management of modern and sophisticated , public facilities to be able to do its part in the service of  provide high quality service

In addition to the formation must be the adoption of an effective pay system to stimulate the employee to perform the work with dedication and mastery. In addition to the issue also put the right man in the right place, without attention to overlook the question of the legal framework for public service, the appropriate legal framework is the guarantee for the conduct of public services effectively and ensure its development.

Recent studies concluded that the importance of the human element in achieving any development, it can not progress in any field without the presence of human elements capable and effective.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Economic Agendas Of The Islamic Parties

Alwadifa - A New study of the institution, "Carnegie Endowment for International Peace," the existence of "gaps in the program of the ruling Justice and Development make the translation into real results is difficult."

 The study bears the name of "Economic agendas of the Islamic parties" and said that the PJD worker within the coalition government, facing down the rate of growth expected and specified in the 3.5% recently, as well as data, including lower income taxes and the expected decline in jobs."
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace," Benkirane considered that the party is not abused and highlights the clear with how to increase the public spending while reducing poverty and prevent the widening budget deficit and external debt overload.

Party presiding of the Moroccan government "attaches a lot of hopes on his plans to restructure government spending and reduce waste and reduce corruption, but that will not be enough to put the Moroccan economy on a new course," Jobs in Morocco

 The study mentioned above.And criticized the institution program topic from the presence of the Justice and Development as "did not specify the mechanisms for financing initiatives such as creating job opportunities for unemployed youth and to support small and medium enterprises," and that the same perception is verifiable today, "did not abide by indicators reports global competitiveness .. to be in front of a challenge calls for reconciliation between the desire to push the competitiveness of the economy and improve the rankings of the country and internationally as well as social justice promoted by election .. "

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Alwadifa Maroc - In light of the development of civilization experienced by our society and competition between different institutions and departments to attract the best talent in the action became a person perplexed between the job that will be chosen and it has become difficult to determine the function is better because there are a lot of criteria that outweigh the function of other criteria that Targeh level of function.

Some Sigtad us and the article when he says there are a lot of people fighting to get a job and you are talking about the large number of presentations, this is true, and here we talk about discerning who showered them offers institutional to fill different functions and did not get to any offer he has to check himself or his style or his experiences or his testimony, it is difficult to You are special and others in your field, but the existence of defect prevents that. There are many criteria that could be focused to search for job better and cleats vary and the best way for me to evaluate the function that is placed in a table and give each box score from 1 to 10 and in the end, you can choose the functionality that you get on the steps of the largest in the total options the task and criteria for the perfect job .

The most appropriate area .. It is important to pay attention to the human domain that will work and whether the scope is preferred and by which its creativity and make it better Will give this area a lot and whether will add little or nothing and registers his name as an initiative .. A lot of people lose sight of this standard and then buried itself in the field does not like nor favored by decreases creativity and enthusiasm extinguished.

Wonderful environment .. It's nice to find the right environment for your character, it is like calm not offer him the job environment and disturbing a lot of movement and is also important to pay attention to the cleanliness of the work environment atmosphere staff and their relationships with each other and whether the work environment to help in carrying out the tasks entrusted to you at work and whether to accept the environment of ideas development and complaints the positive and which contribute to the development work and problem-solving Direct manager .. Contribute to direct manager on the job to dedication to work and contribute to the encouragement to perform better the more the charismatic and loved and understanding the greater love of work and increased eagerness for abetting the best you have and the more troublesome personality and mentality whenever make you frustrated and contributed greets for the job and your hatred of achievement SEO Fight Back

Salary .. Of important criteria that make you outweigh the function from the other where you deserve to match your effort and your Launchpad ID to get a material reward rewarding make you comfortable in terms of securing your expenses monthly and future also, how would be the best and distinctive work and you feel deep inside yourself that you are offering more than you get from Article.

 Features job or alwadifa .. Omits some of this standard is important, although these features may save you a lot of effort and expenses Educating children and their education and transport allowance and housing allowance and other provide you with a decent life and make your mind clear to provide the best achievements and the best performance in your business and even though some managers are not interested in these things but It is important weighting function that gives you many advantages, even if her salary was relatively low.

Training and development .. You will need for the job that your development and Tdrbak continuously and without interruption, it is not logical to stay on top of your business and give him a lot and eventually graduated from the job and you do not acquires a degree in a different domain and another domain develops from your performance and believes in you job better human being ambitious needs constantly developing, training and learning because feel the achievement of self and to demonstrate the capacity and this is what Aolh extending excellence and innovation Affiliate Overthrow

 Departments and sections .. You may get the department and a good job, but surprised the level of violence administrative practiced by departments, sections and be surprised by ill-treatment that you find from other departments that make you uncomfortable to deal with it and make you tense, constantly may contribute to some of the departments through interventions ongoing and powers uncomfortable Thrbak work and discomfort continued perform the tasks that are of Your major and evasion

Senior management .. Contribute to senior management in promoting the love of work and instill institutional loyalty in yourself through Qnaatk full that the administration is looking for convenience, and believe in your future and it is impossible to take action and enact laws is not in your favor while we find departments that are looking for adverse determinations that are not in favor of the employee and seek with all the best of the powers to fight the staff and inconvenience is not worth it so it is difficult to work with it tipped to work with American Grown

Honorary Position Alwadifa .. If he asks someone for your job and your organization you be proud Bandmamk them, and whether will take the initiative of others inform them about your job and your organization or do you try to evade the question and change the course of the talk and here lies the function honorary that make you outweigh the rest of the jobs and contribute to the Astaqrark psychological when you are in the outside community.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Alwadifa Maroc - Elevated wire whenever the student of higher education, the more likely to occur in more unemployment with no Job Alwadifa.

This conclusion is not based only on observation with the naked eye of the protests almost daily regiments continuous frames higher near the Moroccan parliament since the beginning of the nineties of the last century; that has become part of the scene protest in Morocco; but backed by numbers and the official statistics and independent confirms that exposure categories of young people who have higher education of unemployment than those who are less educated.

The debate now is to Morocco on the management of file frames Supreme broken by the new government, and the most appropriate way to absorb the anger of growing in their ranks, and a sense of frustration due to the ability to integrate into the job guarantee them a stable life on the one hand, and fear is a growing politicization of the file and forwarded to pressure the new government of on the other... orientations radical in some components of the protest movement of the frames Supreme broken and the possibility of politicized; rather than as a social issue partial; not just a matter of a cross, has begun to shape the awareness is growing among the unemployed seek to link their current status as a result of the rampant cronyism and patronage and poor distribution of wealth and the education system bad who does not qualify them to enter the job market Alwadifa maroc
Alwadifa Maroc

To understand the sensitivity of the subject, should know that the Moroccan universities hosts annually about 350 thousand students, and graduated about 100 thousand students each year in the wire leave and about 5 thousand holds evidence of Master's and doctoral degrees, more than a quarter of these graduates do not find a way to fill, most of of these young people from at least 34 years old and residents of urban area, the phenomenon of youth unemployment and urban youth phenomenon par excellence. If we account deficit, which happened about 20 years ago, the rate of up to hundreds of thousands of students who have advanced degrees (Licence, Master, PhD) outside the labor market, which constitutes a reservoir of frustration and melancholy and discontent on the state and educational policies and operational.

However, the crisis run senior managers began moving more and more towards escalation since the beginning of the Arab spring, which came out some groups of unemployed in the protest movement, February 20, and the entry into force of some Islamic parties and left-wing radical to the offices of some of the Hth groups had started before that period, it was National Society for unemployed graduates of the first Assembly of the Democratic approach idle political alternatives proposed to solve the problem of operating in Morocco, but the political context was previously imposed on the protest movement of the idle to keep the roof of the social demands rather than linked to the political dimension.

With the growing trend is the motivation for escalation and raise the pace of the protests, the government was forced to make decisions employ thousands of unemployed in the public service as a security measure to isolate them from the political movement based with the Youth Movement February 20; calling for a redistribution of wealth and the waiver of the King for many of its powers and give up his fortune; especially with fear of the growing employment of the JCO and the radical left movement of the unemployed as substitutes new double movement after February 20, by directing unemployed protests as an "umbrella" Umbrella political pressure on the new government led by the ruling Justice and Development. The trend has already emerged a sharp protest borrow some of the shapes that have appeared in other Arab countries such as the burning of self following the example of Muhammad, which sparked a revolution Bouazizi of Tunisia, or raising slogans demanding to drop the system, the behaviors were not present earlier in the ranks of this class which relied slogans in nature social demand in the labor Alwadifa  market only.

To understand the issue of the emergence of frameworks Supreme broken in Morocco, should be done first political speeches criticizing the Chamber on the subject. Either speech  with this movement and to consider this category a victim of public policies failed in the field of education, employment, or the speech critic to them and hold them responsible for their failure, far from linking the issue of various dimensions of political, economic and cultural, which produced this situation, which requires included to relativelyof some prejudice leading and value judgments in order to provide an understanding and a preliminary analysis on this phenomenon.

It can distinguish between two main entrances to understand this phenomenon: Alwadifa Maroc

The first entry in the entrance of the economic - political, and analyzes this entrance inertia frames as the groups reflect the failure of development policies and modernization of its approach to Morocco in the period after independence, which emerged as a framework the Supreme broken in the early nineties as a direct response to the failure of public policies in the management of file linking education and the labor market, after the recommendations of the World Bank, Morocco and the developing countries in general to reduce the expenses of the sector of public and social sectors, within the framework of the so-called program of re-evaluation of structural, which was the results retreat of the state in social obligations to provide health coverage and social protection to groups vulnerable and education of a strong and competitive , etc. ..., and was cut public spending in social areas in general, and the state has stepped on the staffing of public sector investments after the waves seen by Morocco in the years of the seventies and eighties in the context of a policy of "westernized frameworks", which happened to him could no longer satisfy the state with the reception create more jobs in public institutions, and there is the inability of the integration of large groups of college graduates in the labor market, accompanied by weak private sector and the dominance of the sector non-structured, making large groups of young people graduate higher education prefers to work with public institutions rather than the private sector, It is justified to find justification in view of the weakness of the private sector and its incompatibility with the formations (mostly theoretical dimension), who received a student at the university, which makes the headline of this crisis is the following: incompatibility of input of university education with the requirements of the job market.

The second entrance highlights the entrance educational - cultural, which is linked directly in the form and content of education provided in public schools of Morocco, along with the interaction happening between them and the dominant culture in society, steeped in both (school and society more broadly) the culture of dependency and passivity and the weakness of the initiative individual and depend on the state rather than individual initiatives, and the weakness of the contents of self-reliance and education for citizenship and equality of opportunity, transparency and seriousness, perseverance and responsibility in the curriculum, and lack of interest in the school by example in this issue of young people emerging, which reproduces the laziness and apathy and the search for quick fixes instead of work diligent and persistent and serious, given the fact that the groups are locked in front of the only solution is to function in public institutions, and not in the private sector, as the sector is structured and the content of the consequences, in spite of the fact that he is absorbed in about 90 per cent of the total staff.

Moroccan governments have felt the former actually that they are unable to absorb the rise in the number of users in universities, which reached about 350 thousand students divided by 13 universities (although this figure does not constitute in fact only about 10 per cent of the total of enrolled in first year primary), which reached its peak at the beginning of the century atheist century, as the deficit range, prompting the government of Morocco at the time, led by Abdul Rahman tangerine version of the National Charter for Education and Training, as a document framed for the education system in Morocco and the road map for the actors involved, heel Education Reform Project Higher emerged from the National Charter organized by the law known as 01/00, and who was willing to give the university effective independence to propose configurations that are appropriate human and material resources available and the needs of national and regional which is determined in partnership with various actors involved in the framework of a participatory approach that combines the university and its representatives and Events civil society and businessmen, as part of system configuration, known as LMD: no leave, Master and PhD. It was expected to solve the university reform crisis of higher education in general and contribute to solving the problem of compatibility of inputs (learning process) with the output (the requirements of the job market), but the absence of democracy and good governance institution to "connect the responsibility accounting" caused the failure of this project; as caused the failure of the rest of the Other projects in Morocco; as not to "Limitation of Liability" carefully, as to set the number of ministers of education from outside the political parties (Ministers of sovereignty), and lack of knowledge of some of the needs in the real school. Some immigrants outside the home for many years, made them outside the national context and non-followers. developments that are known to Morocco.

On the other side, he finds the actor is directly concerned with senior managers; is unemployed himself; himself in the situation of a victim of the failure of policies was not part of their production, contribute to devote the reproduction of social inequality between the privileged and disadvantaged groups, which breed has a sense that the investment is product because of not having sufficient resources for private education, which can access to a high school special where he taught children of affluent, and that years of schooling long where he spent much of his life no longer benefit him, he notes the dominance of economic rents and the dominance of patronage and favoritism in investments and that the affluent people do not suffer unemployment as difficult suffered, and he finds himself is a beneficiary of the promised development, all of which need to be political decisions.

This breed has a psychological state of desire for "revenge" of the parallel desire rapidly in the "benefit" through the pressure to get to work on non-competitive, ie, reproduce the same pattern of thinking and behavior, take this time the character of "strategies of collective" out of the unemployment allowance individual salvation through research for a fast way to gain access to public office in front of the absence of a broker assisted to reach this goal.

In sum, the government should avoid direct confrontation with protests unemployed, and work in the short term to ensure the transparency of matches to enter the public service and the provision of special grants Palmtakrgen configurable to open a private enterprise, accompanied by long-term structural reforms of the education system and employment addresses imbalances inputs and outputs of education to suit the job market Alwadifa Maroc , and works to reduce the number of disciplines-oriented theory and open to groups of outstanding students only, and the opening of a large interdisciplinary-oriented practical help to acquire skills for the job market, side by side with the enactment of structural reforms of the national economy is heading more and more in the direction of economy editor Liberalization, competitive and fairer.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Alwadifa Maroc We must know the skills and capacities of the young and job market for the next stage and terms of reference are available at universities or institutes and then develop a plan of works by the young man over his life to succeed.

Here will stand the young and confused by any exhibits? Do you choose to work and the nature of his job Alwadifa? Or a business like Clickbank?


In Alwadifa, Salary believe the minimum requirements for life without interruption for the duration of the job mean Alwadifa, and there were jobs where the employee receives a salary, even after his retirement.
Health insurance system and believe in social medicine and end of service indemnity
Employee receives allowances for different non-salary incentives such as the nature of work and school ..
The same salary received by the employee, whether I said or increased sales, in the sense that the employee does not have no problem with customers.
Employee can move to function best when there is a chance safely.

On the other hand, determines working hours of the employee to continue with its surroundings.
Binding-time employee can not delay it because it is linked to the work of the Department operates.
The employee does not take the decision but implement decisions of directors.
Limited physical and moral development.
Problems related to staff relations between them and between them and the administration.


Total income received by more than that received by the employee.
Can subscribe to associations and independent health systems.
Can get deals where the big profits.
There is no specific time is his time and his time is determined.
Free factor is the owner of his decision.

Why would you choose self-employment or job Alwadifa?

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Alwadifa Maroc A real crisis we are living in Morocco, the unemployment crisis with no Job Alwadifa. We overlook government statements, including shortcuts that about 9% of Moroccans are unemployed active, external sources raise the figure to 25%. Story that the concept of operating with the Moroccan regime departs from the logic a little: fact that you operate you do not Avatal, it does not matter if you operate in the olive harvest and the qualification of university degree in private law, it does not matter if you operate in the sector is not regulated or not recognized at all, not matter whether you are covered by a social or a comfortable retirement for you , What is important is that you are something! And thus the Government has made an achievement and the rate of unemployment in the logical level.

Officials talk about the possibility of not running the state to all the graduates, which numbered up to 200 thousand per year. I'm reading the same justification in the arena of dialogue and comments gates newsletter. It seems logical: the state can not be running to all, and therefore Valmtalb President of the demonstrators (ie civil service) is not logical, in another way: look for solutions other than to demonstrate.

Here it seems to me a misunderstanding of the role that "supposed" to play the state: the provision of appropriate and fair conditions for all graduates to work in the private sector, something that is closest to its current employment office.

But, unfortunately, the state is not doing a real effort to solve the problem. Graduate student from the university in his hand, leave or Master, PhD, perhaps, in his mind a lot of rhetoric (and here we return to the problem of the university system, again). Suppose that a person is and who was a student yesterday, is the day job seekers, he wanted to create his own company, the first thing that will collide with it is the bureaucracy of the Moroccan administration, asking me to complete commercial registration before 3 weeks (and of course I could get it in minutes, everyone knows the way) . In order not to continue in the series without actually criticizing the display says Sana solutions, these solutions in mind:
Whatever he may allocate the student access to materials for construction side, the establishment and conduct of companies, a legal perspective to the topic ... What is needed is to graduate students and has a prior knowledge of the private sector, but why not be a graduation project to establish a company that provides services in the area of ​​specialization? I know a lot of the owners of the evidence and that the Supreme asked about the difference between the company name and an unknown company with specific responsibility. Another thing: the results of the university system killing the spirit of initiative and work on the student, why not revive that spirit and to encourage the exploitation of opportunities in the private sector?
Investment, money simplest words, I do not know not to spend around 7000 MAD in order to establish the company and by! Not to mention the story of the capital and headquarters and a lot of obstacles. Reduction of administrative procedures to a minimum (Did hear about the Canadian experience in the establishment of the company, through a window and a single, and within minutes?), Reducing the amount of money required for the establishment of (pain heard of many countries, some advanced and some of the developing world, allow the establishment of companies for free?) and exemption from taxation real at first, solutions will certainly help provide job opportunities abound.
Why does not guarantee the state of each owner of a graduate degree, the possibility of getting a loan without interest and without time limits? Sufficient sum of money to invest or at least enter into a vortex, to return it later in the event of the success of his project, getting a job or any other way.
The State must provide the right conditions and to ensure the entry of any commercial activity desired by the senior graduates, when we say that the state is unable to provide jobs for all, this does not mean it is not responsible for the deteriorating situation experienced by the private sector. Some even had the opportunity to work in a private company rejected, do not accept non-civil service, is justified, of course:
The first justification that the public sector "safer". Previously read a book about the rise of Malaysia and that the Mahathir was keen to be the privileges enjoyed by the private sector greater than those in the public sector. The result was amazing. It seems we are far from following stage what is required in Morocco is the equality between the private and public, in another way: social insurance, one pension system and one, the law of a single operator, privileges one social (different bank interest between the two sectors, Bank Holidays and periods of work varying ...) . The State dissolve the differences between sectors, and work to transform the argument of the "public security" for part of the past history of Morocco.
While ensuring the public sector employees a salary for life the holders of the private sector Mtogson the likelihood of arbitrary expulsion or absence of the rule of law, was not unexpected bankruptcy of the company. The judicial system to be neutral and above all his power, the citizen was partly his confidence in the judicial system ..
Sometimes I think: Why not be the public sector fixed-term contracts, the maximum duration of any contract from the Prime Minister to guard attached to the administrative 10 years, then required the employee to cross test the efficiency and capabilities of a professional to keep his job Alwadifa, or move to higher office, or to dispense with his services invaluable ! We have a lot of ghost employees, as well as employees who do not do any serious work, others dropped their professional competence, what they have learned the seventies P is not valid for our time, and finally most of the staff dropping out of learning once you get the job! He told me a friend returning from Japan that all staff are obliged to two hours each week at the university, in order to preserve the gains and kept up to keep the developments of the times.

Before entering into the rest of the details, all you said above, not fattening nor avail against hunger if government officials did not give a good image for the public service, and if they did not apply the law!
Learn more information about Alwadifa

Sunday, February 19, 2012


The Moroccan policies about Alwadifa elaborated to the point now to absorb the unemployment showed its limitations, but an utter failure. And the strange thing is that all measures taken under the so-called plan or strategy to address unemployment in Morocco remained a purely political in nature, meaning that Morocco wanted out of purely political measures to address of economy and social.
Alwadifa Maroc

The Moroccan politics to address the unemployment is not aimed at creating opportunities for new jobs mean more Alwadifa for young moroccan , but based on the concept of activation of interoperability and it builds Moroccan politics to address the problem of unemployment in order to activate the equation between supply and demand of the job market like any other market in the liberal economics .
Note that prior to the eighties of the last century, Morocco was a country produces the unemployed, as is the case today, especially young people living with certificates, especially when the tap closed Moroccan administration of the state budget allocated to the syndication. And even the civil service no longer meet all requests to take advantage of them. And seemed unable to clear the Moroccan private sector to absorb even a fraction of the holders of certificates of special education. Also make sure you clearly that the nature of training in Morocco still do not respond to the requirements of the job market. And there is a consensus in this regard.
And is the policy of structural adjustment is that, as testified by everyone, contributed to the bombing of the problem of unemployment in Morocco. This policy began to reduce on a very large investments in public administration (the signal was created 45 thousand jobs in 1982 compared to 10 thousand years, 1986). And in 1990 was the creation of the National Council for Youth and the future, which proved its creation, in terms of not knowing organizers of the things in our country, for the absence of total and absolute for public policies regarding the operation, and clearly showed a big mess has been printed operational mechanisms and employment in Morocco and the absence of any coordination between the agencies and institutions concerned with the operator as each one of them was moving according to those who made it without Haseeb and unchecked. And Moroccan youth was held high hopes for this council, which has long waved his intention and determination based upon the institution to solve the problem of unemployment in Morocco at the time. But all the measures adopted with lightning speed and broken on the ground that the creation of employment Alwadifa opportunities by force or by hypothesis is not in his power to resolve problem. And so paralyzing the Youth Council and was Aqbarh but without noise and without assessing his experience and tell the Moroccan people to give it up if it does not care and can not entrance him in it.
And also the case for all institutions after updated to address unemployment, and with this successive breeding, evaluation, assessment of serious and responsible, for any failure of unemployment in Morocco alwadifa maroc has grown and deepened and reached levels unprecedented in the country. And strange thing, and this can not be that acceptable sound mind, as yet has never on the things in our country to think about and if for a moment address the problem of unemployment in Morocco in terms of adapting and training with the minimum requirements of the labor market, although it is the case under the raised Many of those interested in this domain, and there were not listening to them. And it has been approved curricula and disciplines in the educational system of Morocco, and is still writing to the limits of this paper is modest, continues to produce and reproduce the unemployed and the unemployed. Thus, Morocco has become home to every year thousands of graduates (baccalaureate and higher diploma and PhD and evidence of institutes and more ...) unemployed living on the margins of society with no alwadifa, And thus become the capital's Parliament Square, just a few meters from the royal palace, famous throughout the world and exposing their bodies batons to national security in public.
Will the new plan, the National Initiative for Human Resources Development will follow the same approach and path, and thus will not only produce products of the plans and previous initiatives in addressing unemployment, especially and it appears that  not available on the clear vision and specific objectives for dealing with problematic unemployment Alwadifa, which would constitute a general framework for the activation of the new initiative. Note that the initiative itself, it seems that it did not originate from the core of the problem, but rather are looking primarily for mitigating the severity of situational  as to the harsh conditions of the country.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


ALWADIFA Seemed clear that the crisis of unemployment mean without Alwadifa has exceeded all borders and beyond nature of structural and became talked about a foregone conclusion, at the time failed when all approaches-governmental organizations accredited in this area to find the necessary solutions to this dilemma, what made the speech the official government is moving towards dedicate this crisis that led to the deprivation of thousands of young people of their right to access to the labor market.
And to impose a policy of exclusion and marginalization and to deal with such crisis as if it is part of reality, and speak the language lead to the dedication, the masses of unemployed created forms of struggle, multiple demanding its legitimate right to work, and these forms to engage in sit-ins almost daily in front of the parliament building and raising slogans condemning the approach policy deaf ear, and the courage to link hands with chains, and the storming of government offices and party
Reaction forces, the public is often violent and bloody, so that it can be argued that the preoccupation with security has become the main concern, which drives the members of the security forces and paid to stop the protests, Coping with the security authorities to stop the peaceful, organized by different groups of unemployed in front of the parliament building repression and brutal is the severe beating which leads to cases of fainting, cuts, fractures and injuries sustained in addition to what does this have the effects of psychological consequences for these groups and mention among these groups that have been subject to repression during the recent National Association of graduates unemployed in Morocco and the movement of victims of the company survive the UAE and the Federation of senior managers and a victory, the coalition and unity Qualifying and a configuration and a blind graduates.

And who engaged in these Almatlon Among them there are blind Matlon all forms of struggle in protest against the failure of government to its promise to them through employment after completing their university education and obtained advanced degrees in various disciplines.

The social policy official has failed to empower young people and especially the graduates of their right to occupy that preserves their dignity and make them independent of the question, constant is obscene and will not change the fact that the official figure fantasy about the decline in the unemployment rate to 9.7%, Vibst rights violated He traveled and recognition from the Ministry of operating the same, the number of the poor breed in our country and the right to health trodden for Lgel citizens and citizens who do not enjoy any health coverage, and illiteracy, despite what is said about the low rate to 39% is still the size appalling is one of the underlying causes of backwardness of our country and to rank inferior to the level of human development ladder.

Learn More Facts about Alwadifa Maroc

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Live the labor market or Alwadifa in Morocco, a major crisis on the grounds that two thirds of the wage in Morocco are working without a knot work, and 80 per cent of wage earners are not readily health coverage, in addition to the driver that consists in the whole of employment are not eligible, it remains limited to the category of non-holders of the certificates that are running positions of Tlat. What are the determinants of economic and demographic labor market as known as Alwadifa in Morocco, and the sectors that provide jobs, as well as the unemployment rate by age and entities, and academic level?

Seen the HCP that the basis of the status of a difficult economic, and of the debt crisis and the difficult period of the calendar structural, and after the restoration of balances Almacroaguetsadah, Morocco has a series of structural reforms to develop the legal and institutional framework of the contract and meet the social demand increased. Has been speeded up this process during the nineties, with the support of political openness and a strong desire to open an era of social progress. And is characterized by the development model that characterized the first decade of three-dimension measure of the dual economic and demographic transformation, which shows to what extent the level and quality of employment that have been created. And therefore it constitutes a real break with the previous model of economics walk and protected to a large extent. And keep operating, which consists in the whole of employment are not eligible, limited to the category of non-degree holders that occupy positions of Tlat, according to a report HCP about "the status of employment "Alwadifa" and unemployment in Morocco and the determinants of structural and political transition ".
And reflects the dominance of weak employment qualification structure of the national economy and the level of productive sectors. Thus, the improvement in growth is not accompanied by significant change of economic structures in favor of high-technology activities. The remaining sectors of agriculture, construction, public works and the services sector the main engines of economic growth, contributing 80 per cent of gross value added, is that these sectors are characterized by impairment in multiple labor especially skilled labor, as it creates 10 jobs directly in each sector Vafilahh not only provide my chance work indirectly. The construction and public works not only provides the function of 1,2 or exceed that number 3 for the services sector. Thus, the remaining contribution of these sectors in the recruitment of qualified workers, either directly or indirectly, employ them, despite a weak labor-intensive.
On average, a labor without qualifications 65 per cent of the accumulated labor of these industries and get lost 30 per cent of which represented in Alaaúliyn assistants.
It is worth mentioning that the manufacturing sector, which enables direct his chances of creating the same number of indirect opportunities, which values ​​the skills, you may see a decline in the share of its contribution to gross value added of 18 per cent in 2000 to 14 in 2010.
Among the branches that create indirect employment significantly recall the food industry (5 jobs indirectly-for-1 directly), and the metal industry (2 jobs indirectly-for-1 directly), and chemical industry (2 jobs indirectly-for-1 directly) and the automotive industry (approximately from 1.5 indirect jobs-for-1 directly).

The level and nature of unemployment

Confirmed the High Planning Commission that the unemployment rate on the whole according to international standards known as a retreat during this decade, Mntiqla of 13.4 per cent to 9.1 per cent at the national level; but there are considerable differences between the parties, as it was recorded weaker-than-average rates national third-party such as: Marrakech - Tensift - Haouz, and Taza - Al Hoceima - Taounate and Fez - Pullman and Tadla - Azilal. And higher rates than the national average third-party such as: the east and Rabat - Salé - Zemmour - Zair and South sides.
The same source noted that the drop in unemployment is not benefit from the same ratios at the level of accommodation and central level authorities, as it has not benefited all categories of job seekers equally. It should be noted that the category of the unemployed who have never worked are the most susceptible to the phenomenon of unemployment, accounting for 50 per cent of the total volume of unemployment in 2010.
HCP and confirmed that, in view of the geographical and social disparities to levels of employment  Alwadifa and vulnerability that characterize a large proportion of it, that some sectors of public opinion does not accommodate the fact that the overall decline of unemployment is measured as a global statistical methods.
After the rapid demographic transition to the problem of operating in Morocco.

Age structure has a profound transformation, moving proportion of the population under the age of 15 years from 42.2 per cent in 1982 to 27.5 per cent in 2010, with the stability of the size of the following segment of the population in about 8 million (8.6 million in 1982 and 8.8 per, 2010). The proportion of the population aged 60 years and over, it has moved from 6.4 per cent to 8.3 per cent (1.3 million and 2.6).
Given the pressure on the labor market, characterized by population in active age (15-59 years) with the following, Annual growth rate averaged 2.4 per cent (against 1.6 per cent for the total population), and doubled as a result access heavy generations descending from the prior period outstanding high fertility, and an annual increase amounted to an average of 354K people, without counting the number of immigrants who arrived in 2010 to 88 thousand people for this age group.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012


Alwadifa Maroc - Speech operating in Morocco is of circumstantial speech posed by the multiple aspects according to the party that produced, according to its political and ideological objectives. Discourse of the opposition parties on employment different from his counterpart at the government, as different from the speech produced by the contractors, employers and trade unions and economists actors.
Affected by this speech, on the other political and economic, it is in certain contexts, for example the election of more controversy than in ordinary contexts, as it always floats to the surface as a subject of speculations in moments of crisis and social tension.
Perhaps reading the survey for some checks speech operating in Morocco, various producers, during the last two decades do not show the quality of political dealings happening with the dilemma of operating, but is the image of a model of the methods of political practice as a whole and the quality of treatments, which proposes amnesty is to engage in to resolve social issues are complex, starting of self-construction propaganda programs partisan politics, policy ignore and escape forward for the private sector, and the end of government programs spoofed and cloned, and the policy of patching Lauder dust in the eyes exercised by the state won a solutions to the dilemmas of chronic social and disastrous of this size.


Alwadifa Maroc

The Moroccan policies elaborated to the point now to absorb the unemployment showed its limitations, but an utter failure. And the strange thing is that all measures taken under the so-called plan or strategy to address unemployment in Morocco remained a purely political in nature, meaning that Morocco wanted out of purely political measures to address the dilemma of economic and social.
The Moroccan politics to address the unemployment  is not aimed at creating opportunities for new jobs Alwadifa, but based on the concept of activation of interoperability and it builds Moroccan politics to address the problem of unemployment in order to activate the equation between supply and demand of the job market like any other market in the liberal economics .
Note that prior to the eighties of the last century, Morocco was a country produces the unemployed, as is the case today, especially young people living with certificates, especially when the tap closed Moroccan administration of the state budget allocated to the syndication. And even the civil service no longer meet all requests to take advantage of them. And seemed unable to clear the Moroccan private sector to absorb even a fraction of the holders of certificates of special education. Also make sure you clearly that the nature of training in Morocco still do not respond to the requirements of the job market Alwadifa. And there is a consensus in this regard.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Alwadifa Maroc The job is an active component of the resistance to unemployment and response. When you meet vulnerability factors, unemployment and marginal, it creates an environment that can not be unbearable. Perhaps that what is visible in groups with the young, especially those ages ranging between 18 and 30 years where the record not to accept their situation and try to revolt them by illegal immigration where equality of life completely to death. It also reflects illegal immigration on the state of clogging prospects and lack of job or "ALWADIFA" opportunities and decent living and dignity.
It is not exaggeration to say that the majority of young people facing today's Morocco real unemployment mean no Alwadifa and vulnerability to be available without any structures capable of framing the one hand and to create better opportunities for young people. Solutions provided a partial and not a strategy is limited and not comprehensive. This is one of the leading problems of Morocco at the current stage. Such factors that we noted to each category to make young people vulnerable and frustrating at the same time. It is not the most difficult for communities to be frustrated and desperate youth, especially if combined with a passive two elements namely, poverty and illiteracy.

Alwadifa Maroc
Numerous studies have proven accomplished government departments and global unemployment and often include regular classes that descend from a modest social origins or poor. They are more interested than others the process of operating a work is her only chance for self-fulfillment as long as the possibilities that help send your project is almost non-existent or non-existent really. Thus, the logic of the labor involved in very urgent need for them to face the reality of vulnerability experienced by the one hand, and to gain a social position within the community

Therefore mutually supportive development difficulties and failures with the characteristics of institutions, in order to create difficult conditions not conducive to the mandate and operation, which generates a strange social phenomena, are in the categories of a young woman searching for her for a job with it in the mid-forties of age.
If we engage in a late age, it is natural to be delayed as well as access to the realm of life and the formation of a family institution and what we call the logic of engaging communities. Such a delay to be born as well as the difficulties of multiple nature of particular social and unemployed people in Morocco  withouth Alwadifa are not readily to any social guarantees and the family, nor on any grant compensation to the unemployment situation, which encourages us to the conclusion that the environment of Moroccan society helps a lot on the exclusion of groups of young and marginalized by virtue of lack of appropriate conditions for the construction of the dignity of a balanced.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Alwadifa Problematic youth employment in the Maghreb region today and one of the most important challenges, and the support of governments and elements of civil society, both public and private sector in front of the inability of the entire find entrances to provide opportunities for the number compatible with the number of graduates on the one hand and the applicants for the job market without qualification, which assumes that a elements of economic success, which they describe, it remains incomplete as long as the side of the young people do not find an entry point for the life of the operation of any of life that ensures dignity and prosperity of the individual and open it, and therefore the rates of development which is commendable as it measures the economic reality is growing as it reflects a failure to achieve one of the the most important development goals and objectives.

We can hardly argue today is that youth employment Alwadifa is a real problem in all countries of the Maghreb. Therefore we can say that youth employment is a priority decision makers, regardless of the nature of the results achieved in this particular field and regardless of how the efficacy of public policy or not, but is striking that countries with the resources considered in the oil and gas are facing more difficulties than other youth employment and to help them find jobs to ensure their dignity and income

Has worsened the situation of operating in the Maghreb in the second half of the eighties, either because of structural reform policies or because of the collapse of oil prices from ten to forty dollars. Starting from this date fell just employment opportunities and has become the countries of the Maghreb have a problem beyond their means and reveal the extent to which decreased the ability of policy development to find solutions adapted to the needs of society on the one hand and the expectations of groups of young of up to about 50 percent of the total population on the other hand, which emphasizes energy as an important working in the process of setting priorities for the future in this region of the Maghreb.

The problem of operating and operating unit if that the rates of young people compared to General Census of the population ratios are important, which is on the increase and not in reverse. The number of graduates from universities and higher institutes, and courses of vocational training different in the case of the increase without the attendant - a source of problems - a clear commitment by the public sector and without operating the process to show the private sector in order to nourish the overall effort in strengthening.

This is one of the most difficult and complex problems in the Maghreb, even if not analyzed enough despite the importance of hand, and in spite of their direct community balance, harmony and good distribution of yield development on the other. Vchgal young people is not an easy issue can be dealt with in a short time or to devise solutions that are rapidly

It's a question you need to structural short-range strategies and other long-term in a spirit of complementarity and synergy between them to create a new environment and find an appropriate ground to help develop solutions needed by young people in the countries of the Maghreb.

In Morocco, the employment problem in Morocco Alwadifa Maroc is among the most important challenges facing the new government, which will have serious consequences for the social stability of Morocco that is not handled the problem as soon as possible.
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Monday, January 30, 2012


The problem of employment or Alwadifa has become a global phenomenon because of the intrusion of the capitalist system, and the greed of men and of its beneficiaries, and the complicity of politicians and rulers with this system against their interests of workers.
And the exploitation of the citizen or operation of the lowest wage is not a new phenomenon, it is extended at the root of human history since the era of slavery to now. Under the cover of freedom that characterize the natural rights,
Took advantage of the capitalist system is the universal principle of freedom of labor says as a result of the first principle.
However, the employment problem in the spread of mechanization, and the concentration of capital in the hands of multinational companies, due to the demographic explosion, the access to the field work difficult in the developed countries themselves, let alone in the economically underdeveloped countries such as Morocco.

Although it is in Morocco can be found for all qualified job "Alwadifa" for him, because God has given our country's geographical location is excellent, the officials do not take advantage of this site is scientifically and economically exploited for the benefit of Moroccans, and I give a simple example of this:
Morocco is a beach sea extends over 3000 km, and the land fertile and varied adjacent to the sea, and the climate variable from one region to another, knowing that the technology seawater desalination affordable if it relied on the wave energy, solar, wind and other available means scientifically, and that allow the provision of appropriate energy to run desalination mechanisms that are used to irrigate coastal strip starts from the Algerian border "Saidia" Mauritanian border and ends "Lagouira" at a depth of 4 km with preventing the building of cities in this tape and allocated to irrigated farming.
If that Morocco planned fee for this project to become rich, and ended the suffering of his youth unemployment crisis, but because I need to labor from abroad.
May ask a question: Where is the money needed for this project?
The answer is so simple, and money continued good, and will not need to borrow and debt burdening the people, if the State including the following:
First, cancel the game of football and the allocation of the money that was distributed to the teams and stadium construction for this project, and guide young people into the games produced and inexpensive Koab forces.
Second, the abolition of all summer festivals and summer and the allocation of funds for the project.
Third, parties cancel classes and receive characters from the budget and the allocation of funds groups for the project.
Fourth, reduce the wages of high-level executives and the abolition of all allowances allocated to them and to direct the surplus of the project.
V. make a tax on the funds deposited Balabnak if they exceed the threshold of information and allocation of the project.
VI. transfer of the budget to the national recovery project.
VII. transfer budgets for the acquisition of vehicles and high-ranking staff of the project.
VIII. dispense with calling the foreign singers and other evenings of television, and allocation of funds allocated to them for the project.
IX. opened for young people to volunteer to prepare the ground for the extension of irrigation channels, subject to priority use of irrigated land is being repaired.
X. cancel Film Centre and the allocation of its budget for the project.
This project had achieved what remained unemployed in Morocco, and this is just an example, and the examples are many, but there is no official Rasheed calls for the adoption of such projects, rather than wasting money in what is not pointless, as we see foolish in the dissipation of public funds, Is it official good think of this proposal!
We can sucure an Alwadifa Maroc for all moroccains.
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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Alwadifa - Job Policy in Morocco

Alwadifa as Known as job is right and not a privilege, so the state is responsible for preparing and creating the next generation for the development of the country and on this basis: Unemployment is the responsibility of the state, what state were created in this regard?
Has overseen the state to create two types of education:
- Education is a product;
- Education and capacity building that will run the country's economy.
Class is dominant in Morocco do not want to have creative energies, but that educational policy is moving towards dedication and persistence of unemployment, as we find no planning rational in the field of education, on the one hand there are graduates from the faculties of several high schools and in return the state does not consider economic institutions have become inertia include graduates and holders of cranks.
According to the local constitutions and charters of international human rights, it can be argued that the unemployed who confiscated his right to work and therefore the victim of a policy of responsible authorities and the march nationally or at the level of other countries.

The monitoring of the main aspects to the problem of operating in an objective way has a close relationship how to collect data and concepts used in Statistics in force, and in this regard, the statistical mechanism controlled by the state where they work on data management according to the perspective

1 - driver is not a problem technically, but a problem socially, economically and politically and which is the active participation and free for all citizens and citizens active in the production and distribution of the results and benefits of production, which is (running) process embodies the choice of economic, social, cultural and political support for a particular country
2 - operating the State's responsibility, as the right can not absolve the state from this responsibility was an important economic choice.
3 - should be operating off of the basic needs of citizens, especially in social areas such as education, health and infrastructure.

Alwadifa Maroc is big Problem and The State should be Approach to equal Job policy "ALWADIFA"

Friday, January 27, 2012


The recruitment industry has main types of agencies: employment agencies, recruitment sites and job search engines, "headhunters" for executive and professional recruitment, and niche agencies which concentrate on a specific area of staffing. Some organizations use employer branding strategy and in-house recruitment in lieu of agencies. Recruitment-related functions are usually carried out by an organization's human resources staff.

Alwadifa Maroc is to show The moroccan who Looking For Jobs as Knowns Alwadifa the best ways to find the best recruitement offers quickly and basically.
Alwadifa Maroc

Alwadifa Maroc

Alwadifa or Recruitment refers to the system of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job Alwadifa. For some parts of the recruitment system, mid- and large-size organizations often retain professional recruiters or outsource a quantity of the system to recruitment agencies.

The stages in recruitment include sourcing candidates by marketing or other methods, screening potential candidates using tests and/or interviews, selecting candidates based on the results of the tests and/or interviews, and on-boarding to make definite the candidate can fulfill their new role effectively.
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Alwadifa Maroc 2012 الوظيفة بالمغرب

Welcome in Alwadifa Maroc 2012 Blog will Focus in The Latest Alwadifa Maroc in 2012

موقع الوظيفة بالمغرب يرحب بكم سنعرض في المدونة آخر الوظائف الجديدة بالمغرب

ندعوكم للتسجيل في الوظيفة بالمغرب للتوصل بجديد الوظائف الشاغرة

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