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Monday, July 16, 2012

The prospects for reformig Alwadifa

The jobs in Morocco or Alwadifa is that services are provided through the public name of the state facility for citizens and citizens by administrative activity carried out by staff and employees of various departments at the level of public and community groups regionally and centrally and locally. In this sense, the civil service an essential tool in the hands of the state to support the development and framed and satisfy the needs of citizens.

The State must play deep reforms of the Civil Service through open public discussions of the deep would be able to evaluate the reality of the civil service and to identify the imbalances that riddled.

Deluxe reforms that was part of an official document issued by the Ministry of Public Sector Modernization in 2006, which stipulates a number of amendments including:

Open the possibility of operating in the sectors of public contracts do not result in the demarcation of the right wire management, and the reform of employment system where all investments were limited to management by public games, and within the financial positions open for this purpose.

Review system positions in the direction of strengthening the motor, and by expanding the area of ​​redeployment, by opening the possibility of transferring staff from the local communities to public administrations, and to adopt stimulus measures for the relocation of staff, as well as the quotation on the possibility of employees subject to reference to another department or benefit from full-time union with one of the most representative trade union organizations, and considering that the beneficiaries of employees in a position to do the job.

However, the question is: Are these changes enough to reform the civil service, which carry the World Bank report highlights the vivid images of these problems

In the end we would like to point out the issue of quality of human resources management, human element is the backbone within the structure of the civil service.

So it must be interest in him and through training and here it must be noted for the state's role in this area, to intervene by creating training centers keep pace with the market need to support the private sector to ease the burden on the public service, and also use the configuration to support public facilities to keep pace with the use of methods of management of modern and sophisticated , public facilities to be able to do its part in the service of  provide high quality service

In addition to the formation must be the adoption of an effective pay system to stimulate the employee to perform the work with dedication and mastery. In addition to the issue also put the right man in the right place, without attention to overlook the question of the legal framework for public service, the appropriate legal framework is the guarantee for the conduct of public services effectively and ensure its development.

Recent studies concluded that the importance of the human element in achieving any development, it can not progress in any field without the presence of human elements capable and effective.

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