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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Economic Agendas Of The Islamic Parties

Alwadifa - A New study of the institution, "Carnegie Endowment for International Peace," the existence of "gaps in the program of the ruling Justice and Development make the translation into real results is difficult."

 The study bears the name of "Economic agendas of the Islamic parties" and said that the PJD worker within the coalition government, facing down the rate of growth expected and specified in the 3.5% recently, as well as data, including lower income taxes and the expected decline in jobs."
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace," Benkirane considered that the party is not abused and highlights the clear with how to increase the public spending while reducing poverty and prevent the widening budget deficit and external debt overload.

Party presiding of the Moroccan government "attaches a lot of hopes on his plans to restructure government spending and reduce waste and reduce corruption, but that will not be enough to put the Moroccan economy on a new course," Jobs in Morocco

 The study mentioned above.And criticized the institution program topic from the presence of the Justice and Development as "did not specify the mechanisms for financing initiatives such as creating job opportunities for unemployed youth and to support small and medium enterprises," and that the same perception is verifiable today, "did not abide by indicators reports global competitiveness .. to be in front of a challenge calls for reconciliation between the desire to push the competitiveness of the economy and improve the rankings of the country and internationally as well as social justice promoted by election .. "

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